Not many people understand just how important tire rotation services are, but they are vital for the overall health and safety of your vehicle.
When Dipstx rotates the tires on your vehicle, we’re swapping the front and rear tires, then switching out the side tires. This system helps your tires wear evenly, extends the average mileage life under normal driving circumstances, and helps prevent hydroplaning, and traction and tread issues down the road.
Most vehicles need a tire rotation every 5,000 to 8,000 miles – that’s a lot of driving! – but every vehicle is different, so a good rule of thumb is to rotate your tires every other oil change.
If you notice shakiness when you’re behind the wheel, it might be time to book a visit from Dipstx – we’ll rotate your tires and check to see if something may be off with your alignment as well.